Techno Trials

You have made the decision to go it alone…. exciting times isn’t it!  You have the vision but to begin with, it is essential for start-ups and small businesses to keep outgoings as minimal as humanly possible.  I know…. I have been there and still am to a point.  I am pretty good with managing money anyway, but I am one of those people who, if I can find a system for free, I will definitely give it a go before I opt for a paid version, because for my size of business and the capability I require, the free version might just be enough for now!

Whilst using these free apps and software, I have actually been pleasantly surprised, and I wanted to tell you about them so you can benefit too!  When we are in the early stages of building our business, we want to do as much as we can ourselves to try and keep costs low, so I have included software and apps for different areas of the business, from accounting, design and general which are intuitive to use so you don’t have to be an expert or be counterproductive by spending ages trying to find your way around.


Pretty much everyone has heard of Dropbox and it’s a fantastic way of sharing documents and files securely and allows you to sync across all your devices. I work remotely, mainly from a laptop, but often from a tablet and Dropbox allows me to access my documents wherever I and from whichever device I have to hand.  The basic package is free, but you can upgrade if you need more storage space.


What did we do before Google?  It offers so much more than a search engine! I can view and edit my own calendars as well as those of my clients, access multiple emails within the same inbox as well as accessing my client’s emails. Google Drive and Docs is also a great way to collaborate, store and share documents and Hangouts is a great one stop shop for instant messaging, phone calls and video calls.  There is a whole lot more to Google so try it out.


I work odd hours, but I don’t like to interrupt my clients are ungodly hours, so I Boomerang my emails.  In a nutshell, Boomerang allows you to schedule when to send emails, track responses, assists with writing better emails using AI and even has the function to pause incoming emails to stop unwanted interruptions.  I’ve used Boomerang with both Gmail and Outlook and find it a fab tool and the basic package is free.


Speaking of scheduling messages, I use Hootsuite to manage and schedule my social media posts.  For efficiency, I tend to bulk together similar types of work which allows me to be in the zone and using Hootsuite allows me to do exactly that with social media posts.  I spend a block of time writing and scheduling posts and once it is done, I don’t need to be constantly connected to social media.  It’s also a great way to view your social media streams all in one place.  Again, the basic package is free


Mailchimp is an easy to use email marketing tool.  It allows you to build lists, create campaigns and monitor the success of your campaigns.  You can also easily integrate Mailchimp with your WordPress website using a plug-in.  Another free one up to 2,000 subscribers.

Survey Monkey

With Survey Monkey, you can create and publish online surveys in minutes, and view results graphically and in real time. SurveyMonkey provides free online questionnaire and survey software to allow you to capture the opinions and views of those who matter to you.


Canva gives you the power to create great designs and is simple to use. Using professionally designed templates, you can create both web and print media design and graphics. I love playing around with Canva and there are countless possibilities.  I don’t come from a creative background, but Canva gives you the tools to help….and its free! One to look at before purchasing costly designs.


Small pdf is a platform which allows you to convert and edit your pdf files.  I’m often asked to merge pdf files or split pages of pdf files and this platform allows me to do this.  The platform also allows you to convert pdf files to another file type and vice versa as well as compressing the size of a pdf file. The free version does limit the usage but if you need to heavily utilise the tools, upgrades are available.

My Hours

I use My Hours daily to log how I spend my time.  It is so simple to use, I just click a button to start a timer then allocate that time to a project.  When it comes to billing, I use the My Hours report as a time sheet; it breaks down billable amounts, so you can keep track easily.  You can view and report by lots of filters including project, client and specific tasks so you can see where time is being spent and associated billing amounts.  And again, it’s free.


Quickfile is an accounting and bookkeeping software for UK businesses and is free for small to medium sized accounts.  As well as creating and tracking your invoices, you can upload your receipts and track your outgoings. You can create a branded portal for you clients to view and pay invoices and Quickfile has the functionality to link to your bank account. Its also great for reporting and offers a suite of reports for you to use.


With all of these online systems I use, its only right that I include LastPass on this review.  LastPass is a password manager which allows you to create random, strong passwords instantly and store them in a secure vault.  Once you log into LastPass, it auto fills your passwords meaning you only need to remember the one password.

I hope my review has been useful for you and you have found something to make your life easier.  I have a few more recommendations to trial, and once I have, I will of course tell you about them!  Just to point out though, these are my personal recommendations and I take no responsibility for any issues which arise from you using any of the above platforms / apps /software.  I would strongly recommend that you look more closely into them before signing up or using any of them.  This includes costs; the costs I have noted are correct at the time of the blog post being posted, but that’s not to say that costs have not been reviewed / changed.


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New Years Resolutions

We do it every year! Towards the end of December, I hear the words “New Year, new me” more than I can count.  We make resolutions to lose weight, eat healthier, go to the gym 10 times a week and by the third week of January, our best efforts have gone out of the window.

For me, this time it’s different.

I’ve been through one of the most awful times of my life and going through it is forcing me to “reinvent” myself, so the phrase “New Year, new me” is true whether I like that or not.

The fact is, I like my old self, so I won’t be a COMPLETELY different person, I’ll just become an improved version of that old self. I’ve always strived for a positive attitude and outlook on life but over the past few years, I’ve had more than my fair share of life changing events and not all of them have been positive times, so life has knocked me down.  I want to revive my positivity and look forward to the future.   

Here are a few tips to help you do the same….

Be Mindful

Put your phone down and take time each day to be in the present.  Observe your thoughts, feelings and your surroundings in the present moment. Practicing mindfulness each day can help us to enjoy the world around us and experience the things that we may take for granted.  As a self-employed, lone parent to 2 young children, my mind is filled with 1001 thoughts, so I try and do this for at least a few minutes a day and couple it with deep breathing exercises to bring me back.  My favourite way of practicing mindfulness is to go outside and look at the stars in the night sky.

The more we practice mindfulness, we train the brain to do it more often.

Be with positive people (and spend less time with the negative ones!)

Positivity breeds positivity and the same goes for negativity.  If you spend time with negative people and come away feeling drained and low, maybe it’s time to spend less time with those people or change the dynamic of the relationship with those negative people.

Be kind and add value to someone else’s life 

It’s proven that being kind, adding value and helping others has a positive impact on our own brains.  Think about it, when you help someone, even something as small as opening a door for someone, and they thank you, it gives you a nice feeling.  I love spending time with my 2 young children and add value to their lives every day, whether its teaching them something new or making memories with them, I’m adding value and that makes me feel great! So, go on, smile and say good morning to the next stranger you pass in the street, I dare you!

Poke fear in the eye!

This is a big thing for me at the moment.  I’m now in a position where I have to attend social events on my own and it scares the life out of me! So what have I done about it? Well, I’ve poked fear in the eye and said yes to every social event going! And yes, I’ve worried about going and even had thoughts about not going, but I was brave and did go.  Do you know what? It actually hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be!  So by overcoming those fears, I actually feel pretty good and confident about myself.

Look for the silver lining

That can be very hard to do when you’re faced with an overwhelming, all-consuming situation and I’ve had a few of those over the past few years.  Having come out of the other side, in most of the situations, I have realised there is a silver lining and that is what helps me to be positive about the future….by focusing on that silver lining.  If you just can’t see the bright side of a situation, look at what you do have and be thankful as a way of helping you through.

Set yourself goals

Modern day lives can be completely overwhelming and its easy to lose track of what we want to achieve whether at work or personally.  Find time to think about where you want to be in a few years and break that down into smaller goals.  A good friend of mine put me on to this – I have a jar which sits on my desk with folded bits of paper in there. On the pieces of paper are my goals, some are small and some bigger; some are personal and some work related.  Every now and again, I take a couple out and have a look at them which helps me to refocus and be positive about what I am aiming for.

Reduce the chaos

There is plenty of chaos in my home! But, I find being organised helps so much.  Just the other week, I couldn’t find my keys. I spent almost half an hour looking for them meaning I was late for an appointment and it put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day!  So I bought a key hook and I haven’t had to spend ages looking for them since.  Please note, I hadn’t “lost” the keys… babies do, mine loves keys and had “hidden” them.  I remember a similar incident with my eldest at about the same age, but that was with a less important TV control.

Be honest

I believe in honesty but at the same time, I like to stay kind so I am diplomatic.  Whilst researching for this blog post, honesty popped up quite and I read a fab article about this – lying, even a little white lie, has a huge impact on your body and brain and can cause some serious health problems.  So, be honest, be kind and in doing so, you show you care, it shows maturity, it shows your character and gives you credibility.  It also increases your positivity by eliminating the negative health effects.

Dance like nobody is watching (and sing like they’re not listening either!)

I do both…and sometimes at the same time…and it makes me feel good!  There I’ve said it! A spontaneous kitchen disco is a regular occurence in this household because my children join in too and they love being able to express themselves in that way.  I have been asked by my eldest to stop with the singing (yes, I am that bad) so I usually save belting out Whitney to when I’m on my own!

Love yourself and remember, it will be ok in the end, and if it’s not ok, then it’s not the end!

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I’ve Only Gone And Done It!

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!  I hope you had a great time over the festive period and made lots of treasured memories.

Although I had a break from work over Christmas, I also spent a bit of time finishing off my Business Gem project….revamping my website!

So, this started a while ago, when I was asked by a client to work on their wordpress site, making updates and translating their vision into code.  It’s something I hadn’t done previously but as someone who loves a good challenge and getting to know the capabilities of a system, I decided to take the assignment on.

As I was working on the assignment, I quickly decided that my own site needed a revamp and thought it would be good practice for me to play around with my own site so I found it easier to update my clients site.  So,  I “hired” myself for the refurb project and I found that I loved doing it! It was a slow process because I was fitting it in around my commitments to my clients, but I loved the coding, understanding the technical side of things, the systems and processes, learning about plug in, opt in pages and integration, problem solving and generally understanding the powers of WordPress.

Now, I’m not claiming to be a technical coding wizard, but I sure know a lot more now than I did. There has been no better way for me to learn about this than getting my hands dirty with my own site….

So here it is folks!  I’m still adding to the site, but take a look around and I would love to know what you think! There is also a little freebie for you here.

The other great thing is that although I wouldn’t offer to fully design your site from scratch, I can now offer the service of keeping yours up to date and maintained.  If this is something you might need help with, why not take a look at my price plans or get in touch.


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